Aerial view of docked container ship

Clarification: TWIC 30 Day Access

Previously in FAC Notes, CG-FAC publicized the cancellation of Policy Letter 12-04 entitled 30 DAY UNESCORTED ACCESS EXTENSION TO INDIVIDUALS AWAITING ISSUANCE AND ACTIVATION OF A TWIC.  Upon hearing of the letter’s cancellation, industry partners submitted inquiries requesting the reasoning behind the cancellation. To start, Policy Letter 12-04 was cancelled for a few reasons.  First, the regulatory cites referenced within canceled policy letter 12-04 are no longer accurate because they no longer point towards relevant information; some of the cites referenced in the policy letter are no longer within regulation; updated in 2012. In addition, the regulations now state within 33 CFR 101.550(a) that “…the individual may be granted unescorted access to secure areas for a period of no longer than 30 consecutive days…..”; therefore the timeframe was increased within the regulations from 7 to 30 days.

In order to be allowed 30 days unescorted access, three conditions are provided in 33 CFR 101.550 (a) to determine whether that access can be granted. Field offices should review 33 CFR 101.550 as it contains nearly the same procedures and allowances that Policy Letter 12-04 afforded; the only difference being that it allows for 30 days of unescorted access vice the 37 days that was allowed by the policy letter.  If an individual cannot meet the requirements of 33 CFR 101.550, unescorted access shall not be granted. COTPs are encouraged to disseminate the information contained herein to their affected industry partners. CG-FAC-2 is available to answer any further questions by emailing